
Andrews University Student Wins Music Award

   校园新闻 | Posted on April 4, 2024
K-Anthony, an Andrews University Masters in Divinity student, received a prestigious Canadian music award on March 24, 2024, 在哈利法克斯, 新斯科舍. The Juno awards, widely considered as the Canadian equivalent of the Grammy... 阅读更多

Innovation Week at Andrews University

   议程 | Posted on March 27, 2024
Innovation Week 2024 will take place on the Andrews University campus from April 1–5. Throughout the week, various events and activities will take place, emphasizing the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship in the campus community. 主题是... 阅读更多

Wintley Phipps to Perform in the Howard

   校园新闻 | Posted on March 21, 2024
Andrews University and the Howard Performing Arts Center present a live vocal performance by legendary gospel artist and speaker Wintley Phipps on April 7, 2024. Starting at 7 p.m., Phipps will bring social and spiritual inspiration to his... 阅读更多

风交响曲 to Perform Global Pieces

   校园新闻 | Posted on March 21, 2024
The Andrews University 风交响曲, led by conductor Denisse Santos, will play at the Howard Performing Arts Center on Saturday, 4月13日, 晚上八点半.m. The evening’s theme will be “Tunes From Around The World.” ... 阅读更多

2024 Summit on Social Consciousness

   校园新闻 | Posted on 3月1日9, 2024
UPDATE: To view the interviews with Hyveth Williams, 阿尔文吊桶, 和BSCF校友, visit the event webpage here. The earlier interview with Walter Douglas is also included on the page. The ninth Summit on Social... 阅读更多

Deans List Released for Fall 2023

   校园新闻 | Posted on February 29, 2024
Andrews University has announced the undergraduate deans list for fall semester 2023. The students listed have maintained a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher while having at least 12 credits, no incompletes and no grade below a B.... 阅读更多

Symphony Orchestra Presents Spring Concert

   校园新闻 | Posted on February 29, 2024
The Andrews University Symphony Orchestra will perform on Saturday, March 9, at 8 p.m. in the Howard Performing Arts Center on the campus of Andrews University. Student conductors Earlon Cornwall, Jesús Parra, Nehemias Calsin and Jahaziel Gutierrez will... 阅读更多

风交响曲 & University Singers Vespers Concert

   议程 | Posted on February 21, 2024
The Andrews University 风交响曲 and University Singers will perform for a Friday night vespers service in the Howard Performing Arts Center (HPAC) on Friday, 3月1日, 从7:30到9点.m. The event is free and open to the... 阅读更多